Watch Your Way To Learning French–Part 15!

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could tell someone, in French language, that you were going to be a little late, because you will meet them only after work?

Watch the following video, and make your excuses.

Learn new French language words with this video: French 500 words lesson 15

Complete the exercise and write your answers in the comment section below.

Exercise: Read the English translation and choose the corresponding French sentence.

1-Can I ask you what time is the meeting?

a) Oui, car on va discuter le sujet dont on s’est parlé hier.

b) Puis-je te demander quelle heure on a le meeting?

2- Okay.

a) D’accord.

b) Faut-il (falloir)venir?

3- I believe you have to arrive at 02:00 P.M.

a) Je vais arriver un peu en retard.

b) Je crois que tu doives arriver à 14 h. 

4- Is it necessary to come?

a) Je crois que tu doives arriver à 14 h.

b) Faut-il (falloir)venir? 

5- Yes, because we are going to discuss the subject which, we talked about with each other yesterday.

a) Je vais arriver un peu en retard après mon travail, vers 14.30.

b) Oui, car on va discuter le sujet dont on s’est parlé hier.

6- I am going to arrive a little late after my work, towards 02:30.

a) Je vais arriver un peu en retard après mon travail, vers 14.30.

b) D’accord.

Don’t forget to number your answers correctly! Good luck!

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