Bonjour, Business! Business and Workplace Vocabulary in French

Imagine you’re a business owner who wants to expand your company into the global market. You know that you need to be able to communicate with potential customers and partners in different languages. But which language should you prioritise? If you’re thinking about French, you’re on the right track! French is the third most spoken language in the world, and it’s a major language of business. If you want to succeed in the global marketplace, you need to be know this Business Vocabulary in French.

This blog, focused on “French Business Vocabulary for Career Success”, will explore the importance of French business vocabulary and how it can help you succeed in your career. In a global business landscape where communication is key, mastering the “French Business Vocabulary for Career Success” becomes an invaluable asset. We will discuss key phrases and expressions that you need to know in order to navigate the international business world with confidence.

So whether you are just starting out in your career or you are looking to advance your current position, remember that learning the “French Business Vocabulary for Career Success” is a great way to improve your professional prospects.

Why Learning Business French Language Matters

  1. Advantage in the job market: The ability to speak French and English is an advantage on the international job market. A knowledge of French opens the doors of French companies in France and other French-speaking parts of the world. 
  2. Higher education opportunities: Speaking French opens up opportunities to study at renowned French universities and business schools, ranked among the top higher education institutions in Europe and the world. 
  3. Rich cultural experience: France is the world’s top tourist destination and attracts more than 87 million visitors a year. The ability to speak even a little French makes it so much more enjoyable to visit Paris and all the regions of France, and offers insights into France’s culture and way of life. 
  4. Improved communication: Speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognize, negotiate meaning, and communicate in different language systems. 
  5. Global communication: With French being the official language in 29 countries and the sixth most widely spoken language globally, it enhances global communication.

Now let’s explore some of the most commonly-used expressions and key phrases in French Business Language.

Most-Commonly Used Expressions in French Business

1. Company Structure and Positions:

Le service des ressources humaines (The human resources department)

Example: Le service des ressources humaines gère les embauches et les formations. (The human resources department manages hirings and trainings.)

Notre directrice des opérations (Our Chief Operating Officer – COO)

Example: Notre directrice des opérations supervise les opérations quotidiennes de 

l’entreprise. (Our Chief Operating Officer oversees the daily operations of the company.)

Le secteur de la recherche et développement (R&D) (The research and development sector)

Example: Le secteur de la recherche et développement travaille sur de nouvelles innovations. (The research and development sector works on new innovations.)

Le responsable du marketing (The marketing manager)

Example: Le responsable du marketing planifie les campagnes publicitaires. (The marketing manager plans advertising campaigns.)

Le bureau du directeur financier (The office of the Chief Financial Officer – CFO)

Example: Le bureau du directeur financier gère les finances et les investissements. (The office of the CFO manages finances and investments.)

2. Meetings and Presentations:

Pouvons-nous revenir en arrière ? (Can we backtrack?)

Example: Pouvons-nous revenir en arrière et revoir les points précédents ? (Can we backtrack and review the previous points?)

Je vais animer la réunion. (I will lead the meeting)

Example: Je vais animer la réunion et guider les discussions. (I will lead the meeting and guide the discussions.)

Nous en sommes à la dernière diapositive. (We are on the last slide)

Example: Nous en sommes à la dernière diapositive de la présentation. (We are on the last slide of the presentation.)

Pouvez-vous éclaircir ce point ? (Can you clarify this point?)

Example: Avant de passer à la prochaine section, pouvez-vous éclaircir ce point ? (Before moving to the next section, can you clarify this point?)

Résumons ce que nous avons discuté. (Let’s summarize what we have discussed)

Example: Avant de conclure, résumons ce que nous avons discuté jusqu’à présent. (Before concluding, let’s summarize what we have discussed so far.)

3. Communication and Correspondence:

Je vous remercie pour votre courriel. (Thank you for your email)

Example: Je vous remercie pour votre courriel rapide en réponse à ma demande. (Thank you for your prompt email in response to my inquiry.)

Pouvez-vous confirmer la réception ? (Can you confirm receipt?)

Example: Je viens de vous envoyer le document. Pouvez-vous confirmer la réception ? (I have just sent you the document. Can you confirm the receipt?)

Je suis en copie conforme (CC). (I am in copy – CC)

Example: Merci de m’inclure en copie conforme (CC) pour toutes les communications. (Please include me in CC for all communications.)

Pourriez-vous m’envoyer des détails ? (Could you send me details?)

Example: J’ai entendu parler de la proposition. Pourriez-vous m’envoyer plus de détails ? (I’ve heard about the proposal. Could you send me more details?)

Nous attendons votre réponse d’ici vendredi. (We are expecting your response by Friday)

Example: Votre avis est important. Nous attendons votre réponse d’ici vendredi. (Your input is important. We are expecting your response by Friday.)

4. Negotiations and Deals:

Phrase: Est-ce que cette offre est négociable ? (Is this offer negotiable?)

Example: Nous apprécions l’offre, mais est-ce qu’elle est négociable ? (We appreciate the offer, but is it negotiable?)

Nous pourrions envisager une réduction. (We could consider a discount)

Example: Si vous augmentez la quantité, nous pourrions envisager une réduction. (If you increase the quantity, we could consider a discount.)

Pouvons-nous trouver un compromis ? (Can we find a compromise?)

Example: Les deux parties ont des préférences. Pouvons-nous trouver un compromis ? (Both parties have preferences. Can we find a compromise?)

Phrase: Cela semble être une proposition équitable. (This seems like a fair proposal)

Example: Après discussion, cela semble être une proposition équitable pour les deux parties. (After discussion, this seems like a fair proposal for both parties.)

Avant de finaliser, examinons les détails. (Before finalizing, let’s review the details)

Example: Avant de finaliser l’accord, examinons attentivement tous les détails. (Before finalizing the agreement, let’s carefully review all the details.)

Learning French business vocabulary can help you succeed in your career. It will give you the tools you need to communicate with people from all over the world and open up new opportunities for you. With each phrase and expression you learn, you will become more professional and build relationships with people from different cultures.

You can also book a Free Session with one of our teachers in Albert-Learning Platform who will lead you through your journey of learning, practicing and mastering French Business Language.