Nous aimons tous regarder des films, non? Cependant, combien d’entre nous savent ce qui se passe réellement lors de la réalisation d’un film? Il existe de nombreux facteurs qui donnent naissance à un film. Regardons-les en anglais.
1. Genre [ zhahn-ruh ]
Meaning: a style, especially in the arts, that involves a particular set of characteristics
French – genre
Example: My favourite genre is rom-com. (Mon genre préféré est rom-com.)
2. film[ film ]
Meaning: a series of moving pictures, usually shown in a cinema or on television and often telling a story
French – film
Example: We watch at least one film a month together. (Nous regardons ensemble au moins un film par mois.)
3. entertainment[ en-ter-teyn-muh nt ]
Meaning: shows, films, television, or other performances or activities that entertain people, or a performance of this type
French – divertissement
Example: Films are the best source of entertainment. (Les films sont la meilleure source de divertissement.)
4. drama[ drah-muh ]
Meaning: used in expressions that refer to the type of play or film
French – drame
Example: The film we watched yesterday was full of drama. (Le film que nous avons regardé hier était plein de drames.)
5. cinema [ sin–uh-muh ]
Meaning: a theatre where people pay to watch films
French – cinéma
Example: There is hardly any good cinema in the neighbourhood. (Il n’y a pratiquement pas de bon cinéma dans le quartier.)
6. Character [ kar-ik-ter ]
Meaning: a person represented in a film, play, or story
French – personnage
Example: The character played by Leonardo Dicaprio in Titanic was great.(Le personnage joué par Leonardo Dicaprio dans Titanic était génial.)
7. Comedy [ kom-i-dee ]
Meaning – a (type of) film, play, or book that is intentionally funny either in its characters or its action
French – comédie
Example: Watching a comedy movie can make your mood better. (Regarder un film de comédie peut améliorer votre humeur.)
8. Action [ ak-shuhn ]
Meaning – a physical movement
French – action
Example: Tom usually watches a movie for the action and stunts. (Tom regarde généralement un film pour l’action et les cascades.)
9. Horror [ hawr-er]
Meaning – an extremely strong feeling of fear and shock, or the frightening and shocking character of something
French – horreur
Example: Jasmine couldn’t sleep after watching the horror movie. (Jasmine ne pouvait pas dormir après avoir regardé le film d’horreur.)
10. Sci-fi [ sahy-fahy]
Meaning – books, films, or cartoons about an imagined future, especially about space travel or other planets
French – sci-fi
Example: Sci-fi films are interesting to watch. (Les films de science-fiction sont intéressants à regarder.)
11. Script [ skript ]
Meaning – the words of a film, play, broadcast, or speech
French – scénario
Example: The writers wrote the script as the shooting happened. (Les scénaristes ont écrit le scénario au moment du tournage.)
12. Plot [ plot ]
Meaning – the story of a book, film, play, etc.
French – intrigue
Example: I love movies that have various plots. (J’adore les films qui ont différentes intrigues.)
13. Soundtrack [ sound-trak ]
Meaning – the sounds, especially the music, of a film, or a separate recording of this
French – bande sonore
Example: One could easily dance on the soundtrack of the new movie. (On pourrait facilement danser sur la bande sonore du nouveau film.)
14. Box-Office[ boks-aw-fis ]
Meaning – a measure of how popular and financially successful a film or actor is
French – box-office
Example: She became a box-office success just after her debut film. (Elle est devenue un succès au box-office juste après son premier film.)
15. Cameraman [kam-er-uh-man ]
Meaning – a man or woman who operates a camera, esp. as a regular job, in making movies or television programs
French – caméraman
Example: The cameraman shot the scene from all angles.(Le caméraman a filmé la scène sous tous les angles.)
16. Critic [ krit-ik ]
Meaning – someone whose job is to give their opinion about something, especially films, books, music, etc.
French – critique
Example: He was one of the best critics in the film industry. (Il était l’un des meilleurs critiques de l’industrie cinématographique.)
17. Flashback [ flash-bak ]
Meaning -a short part of a film, story, or play that goes back to events in the past
French – flash-back
Example: Movies that go in flashback are confusing to watch. (Les films qui reviennent en flashback sont déroutants à regarder.)
18. Premiere [ pri-meer]
Meaning -If a show, film, etc. premieres or if it is premiered, the first public performance or showing takes place
French – première
Example: She always got invited to premieres of many films. (Elle a toujours été invitée aux premières de nombreux films.)
19. Sequel [ see-kwuhl ]
Meaning – a book, film, or play that continues the story of a previous book, etc.
French – suite
Example: After watching this thriller, I can’t wait for the sequel. (Après avoir regardé ce thriller, je suis impatiente de voir la suite.)
20. Director [ dih-rek-ter ]
Meaning – a person who is in charge of a film or play and tells the actors how to play their parts
French – réalisateur
Example: It’s every actor’s dream to work with the best director. (C’est le rêve de tout acteur de travailler avec le meilleur réalisateur.)
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