Adjectives are used to modify nouns. In this lesson, you will learn about the most commonly used adjectives in French. You will often come across them while you read any story or phrases in French. See what they mean.
1. Âgé
English : old/elderly
Meaning : having lived for a long time; no longer young
Example : Nos enfants sont assez âgés pour aller à l’école primaire.(Our children are old enough to go to primary school.)
2. Amical
English : friendly
Meaning : behaving in a kind and pleasant way because you like somebody or want to help them
Example : L’accueil a été chaleureux et amical. (The welcome was warm and friendly.)
3. Ancien
English : old, ancient, former
Meaning : having existed or been used for a long time
Example : D’anciennes tribus vivaient dans cette vallée. (Ancient tribes used to live in this valley.)
4. Beau
English : beautiful (masculine), good-looking, handsome
Meaning : having beauty; giving pleasure to the senses or to the mind
Example : L’actrice a un très beau visage. (The actress has a very beautiful face.)
5. Bizarre
English : odd, weird, strange
Meaning : unusual or surprising, especially in a way that is difficult to understand
Example : L’imprimante fait un bruit bizarre. (The printer makes a strange noise.)
6. Bon
English : good, nice, right, proper
Meaning : of high quality or an acceptable standard
Example : Je connais un bon restaurant à proximité. (I know a good restaurant nearby.)
7. Chaleureux
English : warm, friendly
Meaning : showing enthusiasm, friendship or love
Example : L’accueil a été chaleureux et amical. (The welcome was warm and friendly.)
8. Cher
English : dear, beloved; expensive
Meaning : costing a lot of money
Example : Ma mère a acheté une bague très chère. (My mother bought a very expensive ring.)
9. Clair
English : light, clear
Meaning : easy to understand and not confusing
Example : Le manuel emploie des illustrations claires. (The manual uses clear illustrations.)
10. Content
English : happy, glad, pleased
Meaning : feeling or showing pleasure; pleased
Example : Les employés sont contents de l’environnement de travail. (The employees are happy with the work environment.)
11. Courageux
English : brave
Meaning : willing to do things that are difficult, dangerous or painful; not afraid
Example : Le chien policier a été récompensé pour avoir été très courageux. (The police dog was rewarded for being very courageous.)
12. Désolé
English : sorry
Meaning : feeling sad and ashamed about something that has been done
Example : Je suis désolé pour tout inconvénient que j’ai pu causer. (I am sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused.)
13. Difficile
English : difficult, hard, tough
Meaning : not easy; needing effort or skill to do or to understand
Example : Les devoirs comprenaient quelques exercices difficiles. (The homework included some difficult exercises.)
14. Doux
English : soft, smooth
Meaning : changing shape easily when pressed; not stiff or hard
Example : L’enfant a caressé la douce fourrure du lapin. (The child stroked the rabbit’s soft fur.)
15. Drôle
English : comical, funny
Meaning : making you laugh
Example : Mon ami a raconté une histoire drôle pour me faire rire. (My friend told a funny story to make me laugh.)
We hope you could get enough knowledge about the adjectives in French in this article. For more vocabulary in French, keep reading our article.
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