Vocabulaire lié aux fêtes en anglais

Est-ce incroyable de célébrer des fêtes ? L’atmosphère autour de ces fêtes est délicieuse et pleine de joie de vivre. Dans cet article, vous apprendrez les mots anglais liés aux fêtes .

1. Festival

Meaning: a special day or period, usually in memory of a religious event, with its own social activities, food, or ceremonies

French: fête 

Exemple: It’s always a good time to celebrate festivals with families. (C’est toujours le bon moment pour célébrer les fêtes en famille.)

2. Carnival

Meaning: public enjoyment and entertainment involving wearing unusual clothes, dancing, and eating and drinking, usually held in the streets of a city

French: carnaval

Exemple: Does your city have an annual carnival? (Votre ville a-t-elle un carnaval annuel?)

3. Feast

Meaning: a special meal with very good food or a large meal for many people

French: festin

Exemple: The kids always wait for the feast during festivals. (Les enfants attendent toujours le festin pendant les festivals.)

4. Celebration
Meaning: a special social event, such as a party, when you celebrate something

French: célébration

Exemple: They had a grand celebration for the anniversary of their parents. (Ils ont eu une grande célébration pour l’anniversaire de leurs parents.)

5. April Fool’s Day
Meaning: April 1, a day when practical jokes or tricks are played on unsuspecting people

French: Poisson d’avril

Exemple: He never believes anything anyone says on April Fool’s Day. (Il ne croit jamais rien que quiconque dit le jour du poisson d’avril.)

6. Christmas

Meaning: the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus: celebrated on December 25

French: Noël 

Exemple: I love decorating the tree for Christmas. (J’adore décorer le sapin pour Noël.)

7. Easter:
Meaning: an annual Christian festival in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, observed on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox

French: Pâques

Exemple: How many eggs did you collect this Easter? (Combien d’œufs avez-vous ramassé à Pâques?)

8. Independence Day:

Meaning: a day celebrating the anniversary of national independence

French: Le jour de l’indépendance

Exemple:  France has the independence day on 14th July. (La France a le jour de l’indépendance le 14 juillet.)

9. Thanksgiving: 

Meaning: the act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors, especially to God

French: action de grâce

Exemple: Thanksgiving is a great way to reunite with the family. (Thanksgiving est un excellent moyen de retrouver la famille.)

10. Valentine’s Day:

Meaning: February 14, observed in honor of St. Valentine as a day for the exchange of valentines and other tokens of affection.

French: La Saint-Valentin

Exemple: He made a cake for her on Valentine’s day. (Il lui a fait un gâteau le jour de la Saint-Valentin.)

11. Mother’s Day:

Meaning: a day, usually the second Sunday in May, set aside in honor of mothers

French: Fête des mères

Exemple: For mother’s day this year, she gave her mom a makeover. (Pour la fête des mères cette année, elle a fait peau neuve à sa mère.)

12. Father’s Day: 

Meaning: a day, usually the third Sunday in June, set aside in honor of fathers.

French: Fête des pères

Exemple: We organised a fun evening for father’s day last year. (Nous avons organisé une soirée amusante pour la fête des pères l’année dernière.)

13. New Year:

Meaning: the year approaching or newly begun

French: Nouvel An

Exemple: She brought in the New Year with her family and friends. (Elle a célébré la nouvelle année avec sa famille et ses amis.)

14. Halloween:

Meaning: the evening of October 31; the eve of All Saints’ Day

French: Halloween

Exemple: What are you dressing up as for Halloween? (Que vous habillez-vous pour Halloween?)

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