Fairytales are a great way for children to learn a new language. In fact, they are also useful for adult French learners because they provide a simple and engaging starting point. Moreover, they help learners build vocabulary in a way that feels natural. One of the most famous French fairytales, Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, also known in English as Little Red Riding Hood, is a perfect example. Written by Charles Perrault in 1697, this classic tale not only teaches important life lessons but also introduces children to essential French words and phrases, making it a valuable tool for language learning.

The Story of “Le Petit Chaperon Rouge”
The tale is about a little girl who wears a red hood and sets off to visit her grandmother. Along the way, she encounters a sneaky wolf who tricks her and reaches her grandmother’s house before she does. Disguised as her grandmother, he attempts to eat Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, and to find out what happens next, you can read the story below. Over time, this tale has been retold in various ways and translated into different languages, adapting to different cultures. However, the French adaptations remain the most famous. Notably, Perrault’s original version emphasized a moral lesson about obedience and caution. While later versions included a rescue, Perrault’s Le Petit Chaperon Rouge ends tragically, reinforcing its role as a cautionary tale for children. Eventually, the Brothers Grimm introduced a more optimistic ending, where a hunter arrives just in time to save both the girl and her grandmother.
The story of Little Red Riding Hood:
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
Il était une fois une petite fille très gentille. Sa grand-mère lui avait offert un joli chaperon rouge, et tout le monde l’appelait le Petit Chaperon Rouge.
Un jour, sa maman lui dit :
— Va porter ce panier de galettes et un petit pot de beurre à ta grand-mère, elle est malade.
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge partit à travers la forêt. En chemin, elle rencontra un grand méchant loup.
— Où vas-tu, petite fille ? demanda le loup.
— Je vais chez ma grand-mère lui apporter des galettes et du beurre, répondit-elle.
Le loup, très rusé, lui dit :
— Et si tu passais par ce joli sentier ? Il est plus long, mais tu verras de belles fleurs et de jolis oiseaux.
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, émerveillée, suivit le conseil du loup. Pendant ce temps, le loup courut par le chemin le plus court jusqu’à la maison de la grand-mère.
Toc, toc, toc !
— Qui est là ? demanda la grand-mère.
— C’est moi, le Petit Chaperon Rouge ! répondit le loup en imitant sa voix.
La grand-mère ouvrit la porte, et le loup la mangea d’un coup ! Il mit ensuite sa chemise, son bonnet et se coucha dans son lit.
Peu après, le Petit Chaperon Rouge arriva et entra dans la maison.
— Grand-mère, que vous avez de grands bras !
— C’est pour mieux t’embrasser, mon enfant !
— Grand-mère, que vous avez de grandes oreilles !
— C’est pour mieux t’entendre, mon enfant !
— Grand-mère, que vous avez de grands yeux !
— C’est pour mieux te voir, mon enfant !
— Grand-mère, que vous avez de grandes dents !
— C’est pour mieux te manger !
Et le loup se jeta sur elle pour la dévorer !
Mais, heureusement, un chasseur qui passait par là entendit les cris. Il entra dans la maison, tua le loup et sauva la grand-mère et le Petit Chaperon Rouge.
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge promit de ne plus jamais parler aux inconnus et de toujours écouter sa maman.
Et ainsi, elle rentra chez elle saine et sauve.

Key Vocabulary from Little Red Riding Hood
Here are some useful French words from the story:
- Le Chaperon – Hood
- Il était une fois – Once upon a time
- Rouge – Red
- La grand-mère – Grandmother
- Le loup – Wolf
- La forêt – Forest
- Manger – To eat
- La maison – House
- Le chasseur – Hunter
- Se cacher – To hide
- Le panier – Basket
- Les galettes – Cakes or biscuits
- Avoir peur – To be afraid
Cultural Significance of “Le Petit Chaperon Rouge”
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge has deep cultural roots in France, as stories like this were traditionally told to children to teach important life lessons. Not only is it a classic tale, but it is also commonly used in schools to introduce literature to young students. In fact, its themes of caution and deception remain highly relevant, making it an excellent educational tool. Furthermore, the story allows for multiple interpretations, which is why many French artists have reimagined it with their own creative twists, from theater adaptations to films and cartoons. As a result, Le Petit Chaperon Rouge continues to be a timeless masterpiece and a lasting source of inspiration in French culture.
Other Famous French Fairytales
If you really like Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, try reading other famous French fairytales to expand your vocabulary and enhance your comprehension skills:
- Cendrillon (Cinderella)
- La Belle et la Bête (Beauty and the Beast)
- Le Chat Botté (Puss in Boots)
- Peau d’Âne (Donkey Skin)
Each of these stories can help you acquire new vocabulary and insights into French culture, making language learning enjoyable.
Final Thoughts
Reading fairytales like Le Petit Chaperon Rouge is a great way to introduce both kids and adults to French in a fun and engaging way. Not only do these classic tales make learning enjoyable, but they also help learners build a strong foundation in French by reinforcing essential vocabulary and phrases. By reading, repeating, acting, and listening to the story, children and beginners can absorb the language naturally and improve their comprehension skills. Moreover, Le Petit Chaperon Rouge remains one of the most famous French fairytales, making it an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn French through storytelling. So, pick up a book, follow the adventures of Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, and start your journey toward learning French today!
Boost your French with Le Petit Chaperon Rouge! Read the story, learn key words, and if you want more practice go book your first free session with Albert Learning today!