Vocabulary related to Stores in a city

It is highly important to know all the store names in a city. In fact, we need to go to certain stores on a daily basis to buy necessities .

Let’s  learn then about the names of stores in a city in the French language.

1.la boulangerie: 

In English: the bakery

This is the shop where we can buy bread and chocolate bread.

Ex: Chaque matin, j’achète du pain frais de la boulangerie.( Every morning I buy fresh bread from the bakery.)

2.la boucherie: 

In English: the butcher’s shop 

This is the shop where one can buy fresh meat.

Ex.Je vais aller a la boucherie pour acheter de la viande.(I’m going to go to the butcher’s shop to buy some meat.)

3.la pâtisserie:

In English: bakery

Even though boulangerie and patisserie are both bakeries in English, in French there is a difference. We have already seen what is called “boulangerie”. Patisserie on the other hand is the place that sells sweets and cakes.

Ex :J’ai commandé un gâteau de la pâtisserie pour mon anniversaire.( I ordered a cake from the pastry shop for my birthday.)

4. la poissonnerie: 

In English: fish shop

If you need fish or seafood this is the place to go. In la poissonnerie you can find fresh seafood.

Ex :Je dois aller à la poissonnerie si je vais préparer de la patte au fruits de mer.( I have to go to the fishmonger if I’m going to cook seafood pasta)

5.la fromagerie:

In English: dairy shop

France is well known for its high quality cheese. They have many types of cheese and dairy products. La fromagerie is where you can buy dairies including butter, cream and yogurt.

Ex : J’ai besoin d’acheter du yaourt et du fromage pour le petit déjeuner.( I need to buy some yogurt and cheese for breakfast.)

6.le magasin de fruits et légumes:

In English: the fruit and vegetable store :

This where you go to buy vegetables and fruits.  

Maman toujours acheter du bon légumes chez le magasin de fruits et légumes.( Mom always buy delicious vegetables from the fruit and vegetable store.)


In English: the grocery store

The grocery store is a small store for general groceries and everyday items. At the grocery store, we buy flour, cans but also toilet paper and cleaning products .

Ex : J’ai voulu préparer du gâteau mais j’ai pas trouvé de la farine chez l’épicerie.( I wanted to bake a cake, but I couldn’t find flour at the grocery store.)

8.la librairie: 

In English: the book store:

If you need books, the bookstore is the place to go. 

Ex : C’est la rentrée scolaire, je dois acheter les livres et dictionnaires chez la librairie.( It’s back to school, I have to buy the books and dictionaries at the bookstore.)

9.le magasin de fleurs: 

In English: the flower shop.

Flowers can be very good gifts or décor items. Le magasin de fleurs has the best flower options.

Ex : Je dois aller au fleuriste pour acheter des fleurs pour ma tante.( I have to go to the florist to buy flowers for my aunt).

10.la parfumerie: 

In English: the perfume shop. 

Ex :Je pense que je vais voir la parfumerie pour un cadeau pour ma mere.( I think I’ll go see the perfume store for a gift for my mother.)

11.la papeterie: 

In English: stationery

Pens and papers are sold in “la papeterie”

Ex :L’école nous a demandé d’acheter des cahier spécifique pour cette année.( The school has asked us to buy specific notebooks for this year.)

12.le magasin de chaussures:

In English: shoe store.

Ex : J’ai besoin de nouveaux baskettes pour aller au salle de sport.( I need new sneakers to go to the gym.)

13.le magasin de vêtements:

In English: The clothing store. 

It’s a very good idea to go shopping if you are in a new county. 

Ex : Aujourd’hui, je suis aller a tous les magasins de vêtements mais j’ai pas aimé les soldes.( Today I went to all the clothing stores but I didn’t like the sales.)


In English: Café

It is the same word in English since it was borrowed from French. If you need to change the atmosphere or maybe have some work to do, sitting in a café might be helpful.

Ex : Mike est au café avec ses collègues, ils ont une réunion.( Mike is at the cafe with his colleagues, they have a meeting.)

15.Salon de beauté

In English:beauty salon.

One of the most relaxing activities for women is to go to the beauty saloon and chat with other females.

Ex : Pour faire un rendez vous avec l’esthéticienne, il suffit d’appeler le numéro de salon de beauté.( To make an appointment with the beautician, just call the beauty salon number.)

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