Le consommateur est roi, c’est le marché. Ces jours-ci, pour vendre, des publicités sont utilisées. Nous sommes entourés de publicités tout autour de nous. Voyons comment on peut parler de publicités en anglais dans ce blog.
1. Advertisement
Meaning: a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product or service, or a piece of text that tells people about a job, etc.
French: publicité
She wanted to buy the ring after she saw the advertisement. (Elle a voulu acheter la bague après avoir vu la publicité.)
2. TV commercial
Meaning – an advertisement that is broadcast on television or radio
French – publicités télévisées
TV commercials usually break the link between a movie on tv. (Les publicités télévisées rompent généralement le lien entre un film à la télévision.)
3. Billboards
Meaning – a very large board on which advertisements are shown, especially at the side of a road
French – panneau d’affichage
He was mesmerised by seeing his favourite actress on the billboard. (Il a été fasciné en voyant son actrice préférée sur le panneau d’affichage.)
4. Flyers
Meaning: a small piece of paper with information on it about a product or event
French: – flyers
Before the opening of her new boutique she distributed flyers. (Avant l’ouverture de sa nouvelle boutique, elle a distribué des flyers.)
5. Classified
Meaning – a small advertisement that you put in a newspaper or a magazine, usually because you want to sell or buy something or to find or offer a job
French – petite annonce
You can look for jobs in classified ads. (Vous pouvez rechercher des emplois dans les petites annonces.)
6. Hoarding
Meaning – a very large board on which advertisements are shown, especially at the side of a road
French – panneau publicitaire
There was a huge hoarding on the highway. (Il y avait un énorme panneau publicitaire sur l’autoroute.)
7. Endorsement
Meaning – the fact of a famous person appearing in an advertisement saying that they use and like a product
French – approbation
Celebrity endorsements are effective due to their high profile presence in the media. (Les approbations de célébrités sont efficaces en raison de leur forte présence dans les médias.)
8. Sponsorship
Meaning – the act of providing money for a television or radio programme, website, sports event, or other activity in exchange for advertising
French – parrainage
They took sponsorship for a kid’s informative program. (Ils ont pris le parrainage d’un programme d’information pour enfants.)
9. Prime time
Meaning – in television and radio broadcasting, the time when the largest number of people are watching or listening
French – heure de grande écoute
It’s always better to have your advertisements broadcasted during prime time slots. (Il est toujours préférable de diffuser vos publicités pendant les heures de grande écoute.)
10. Press release[ peel ]
Meaning – a public statement given by a company or organization to journalists to publish if they want to
French – communiqué de presse
When they were expanding their empire, they gave out a press release. (Alors qu’ils étendaient leur empire, ils ont diffusé un communiqué de presse.)
11. Target audience [ mash ]
Meaning: the particular group of people to which an advertisement, a product, a website or a television or radio programme is directed
French – public cible
The target audience for our new trimmer are men aged between 20 to 40. (Le public cible de notre nouvelle tondeuse est constitué d’hommes âgés de 20 à 40 ans.)
12. Word of mouth
Meaning – the process of telling people you know about a particular product or service, usually because you think it is good and want to encourage them to try it
French – de bouche à oreille
We’ve got most of our publicity through word of mouth. (Nous avons la plupart de notre publicité par le bouche à oreille.)
13. Banner ad
Meaning – an advertisement that appears across the top of a page on the internet or in a newspaper
French: bannière
People often pay more attention to banner ads. (Les gens accordent souvent plus d’attention aux bannières publicitaires.)
14. Jingle
Meaning – a short simple tune, often with words, that is easy to remember and is used to advertise a product on the radio or television
French: jingle
Some jingles can never be forgotten. (Certains jingles ne peuvent jamais être oubliés.)
15. USP
Meaning – unique selling point/proposition: a feature of a product that makes it different from and better than other similar products and that can be emphasized in advertisements for the product
French: argument clé de vente
Their USP was to provide heels that could be converted into flip flops. (Leur USP était de fournir des talons pouvant être convertis en tongs.)
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