Vocabulaire de la finance en anglais

La finance joue un rôle très important dans notre vie quotidienne. Il est essentiel de savoir en parler. Si jamais vous envisagez de rester dans un anglophone, ces mots liés à la finance en anglais vous aideront.

1. Accounts

Meaning: the set of official records that show the financial situation of a company and what it has spent, received, borrowed, etc. in a particular period

French: compte

Who handles your accounts? (Qui gère vos comptes?)

2. Balance Sheet

Meaning – a statement that shows the value of a company’s assets (= things of positive value) and its debts

French – bilan

My balance sheet never tallies. (Mon bilan ne correspond jamais.)

3. Income

Meaning –  money that is earned from doing work or received from investments

French – revenu

She gets her income from baking. (Elle tire ses revenus de la pâtisserie.)

4. Expenditure

Meaning: the total amount of money that a government or person spends

French: –  dépenses

The unexpected expenditure left her stressed. (Les dépenses imprévues l’ont stressée.)

5. Assets 

Meaning – something valuable belonging to a person or organization that can be used for the payment of debts 

French – atout 

She has gathered lots of assets over the years. (Elle a rassemblé de nombreux atouts au fil des ans.)

6. Liabilities

Meaning – moneys owed; debts or pecuniary obligations

French – passif

Your liabilities should always be lesser than your assets. (Votre passif doit toujours être inférieur à votre actif.)

7. Transfer

Meaning – to move money from one account to another

French – transfert

The transfer was successful. (Le transfert a réussi.)

8. Mortgage

Meaning – an agreement that allows you to borrow money from a bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a house, or the amount of money itself

French – hypothèque

They hope to pay off the mortgage on their home soon. (Ils espèrent bientôt rembourser l’hypothèque de leur maison.)

9. Invest 

Meaning – to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage

French – investir

I plan to invest in a new vehicle soon. (Je prévois d’investir bientôt dans un nouveau véhicule.)

10. Loan

Meaning – an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing

French –   prêt

She was finally happy to clear all her student loans. (Elle était enfin heureuse de rembourser tous ses prêts étudiants.)

11. Withdrawal

Meaning: when you take money out of a bank account

French – retrait

She made a withdrawal of a huge amount for her wedding. (Elle a fait un retrait d’un montant énorme pour son mariage.)

12. Audit

Meaning – to make an official examination of the accounts of a business and produce a report

French – audit

She hates going for audits. (Elle déteste aller pour des audits.)

13. Capital

Meaning – money and possessions, especially a large amount of money used for producing more wealth or for starting a new business

French: capital

He had enough capital to start his own business. (Il avait suffisamment de capital pour démarrer sa propre entreprise.)

14. Equity

Meaning – the value of a company, divided into many equal parts owned by the shareholders, or one of the equal parts into which the value of a company is divided

French: fonds propres

We’ve been slowly paying off our mortgage and building up equity in our house. (Nous avons lentement remboursé notre hypothèque et accumulé des fonds propres dans notre maison.)

15. Brokerage

Meaning – the amount of money that a broker charges

French: courtage

He works for a brokerage firm. (Il travaille pour une société de courtage.)

Maintenant que vous connaissez la signification de ces mots, assurez-vous de les utiliser quand vous parlez de la finance. Pour plus de vocabulaire anglais, continuez à lire le blog.

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