Jeu de rôle à Halloween

Halloween est un jour férié célébré annuellement le 31 octobre. Le Halloween de 2022 aura lieu le lundi 31 octobre. La tradition tire son origine de l’ancien festival celtique de Samain, où les gens allumaient des feux de joie et portaient des costumes pour éloigner les fantômes. Au fil du temps, Halloween s’est transformée en une journée d’activités comme la chasse aux bonbons, la sculpture de lanternes, les rassemblements festifs, l’enfilage de costumes et la dégustation de friandises.

Le jeu de rôles vous permet d’être un peu différent dans les draps en sortant de vous-même, en jouant le rôle de vos personnages fantastiques préférés. Cela permet d’établir des liens solides entre la famille et les amis.

Dans ce jeu de rôles, la famille de Jackson a décidé de faire une nuit effrayante. Le père a habillé le costume d’un monstre, tandis que la mère comme une sorcière. La fille Marie a décidé de prendre le rôle d’une femme-chat avec des pouvoirs forts, tandis que le fils Alex a décidé de prendre le rôle d’Harry Potter, le magicien.

Le pere: Ho Ho Ho! I feel so hungry and I want to eat. Uhm! I want to eat some little children tonight! Where Can I find them?

La mere: Oh, dear Husband! I am up for some fun, too! I will help you look for some cute, little kids for you to eat and for me to play with! Nyahaha!

Le pere: But, where can we find them? 

La mere: I will use my crystal ball, and its magic will show us the perfect ones! 

(The mother says weird words and does gestures with her hands. The crystal ball is now green, and it shows two children for them to find: a cat-woman and a magician.)

La mere: Oh! I have found them, dear husband! Will you ride with me on my magic broom? We should find them now!

Le pere: Of course! Uhmm! I am so hungry.

(The monster and the witch are now before the cat-woman and the magician.)

Le pere: Here they are! Oh! Come to me, little kids! I will bring you back home and give you a delicious meal! You look hungry and homeless! 

La mere: Yes, come with us and have hot soup! We want to help you! 

Alex: But, how can we trust you? You look so scary! 

Marie: Yes, you have monster’s teeth, and you have scary laughter! 

Le pere: Haha! No, we are not evil! We are good people! We are just cursed! 

Alex: Cursed?

La mere: Yes, we used to be the emperor’s servants! One day, he asked for our advice! When he didn’t like it, he banished and cursed us! That is why we have our ugly and scary faces!

Marie: Banished?

Le pere: Yes! We live in a small hut in the forest, and we are all alone! But, we are good people, and we like to help anyone who is lost in the forest!

(Alex to his sister): Let us go, sister! They look trustworthy!

(In the hut)

Alex: Oh! Thank you, old lady! This soup is very delicious!

La mere: Nyahahahaha! Thank you! My cooking is delicious indeed! 

Marie: But, why is there a sour taste?

Le pere: Uhm! No, don’t worry! It is just the fresh beans! 

(The cat-woman, Marie, couldn’t trust them, so she pretended to eat the soup. Alex, on the other hand, ate and fell asleep. Marie pretended that she is asleep, too!)

La mere: Muahahaha! The poison made them asleep! Now, I will cook them for you, dear husband! 

Le pere: Thank you, my dear wife! I will prepare the table for this delicious meal!

(As the witch started to put the ingredients in the big bowl, Marie woke up.)

Marie: I knew you were malicious! Now, I shall save my brother and run away, you hypocrites! 

Le pere: Ha ha ha! You cannot run away now! You cannot be a monster like me.

(Marie started fighting the monster, and she was successful in beating him. However, the witch put a spell on her and made her asleep.)

Alex: Oh! Oh!! My head hurts so much! What is this? What has happened here? Why is my sister asleep on the floor? Why is your husband asleep, too? 

La mere: Hmmm! Nothing, they were tired and they wanted to sleep!

(Alex didn’t believe her, and as he started to wake his sister, he saw the witch saying some words to her crystal ball that he didn’t understand.)

Alex: Oh! So, you are the witch about whom my father talked to us about? 

La mere: Yes! Niahahaha! And now, I shall put you all to sleep!

Alex: You can’t! My father taught me a spell that can make you disappear!

(Alex started waving his “baguette magique”, and as he finished saying some words of magic, the witch disappeared.)

Alex: Oh! Dear sister! I am so happy that you are finally awake! 

Marie: Let us run away, dear brother! We should never trust strangers again!

Un jeu de rôle semblable pourrait rassembler toute la famille, car ils ont un peu de plaisir effrayant et qu’ils prennent de nouveaux rôles. Il les rapproche tous et les aide à apprécier la soirée d’Halloween. Et vous? Quel est le jeu de rôles de ta famille cette année ?

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