The story Cinderella, also known in French as Cendrillon is one of the most famous fairy tales in the world. There are different versions depending on the culture of every country but one of the most famous ones was written by Charles Perrault in 1697. It is a story that highlights kindness, patience and many other things. In this article we will read a simplified version of Cendrillon along with some vocabulary, explanations and morals of the story.

Key vocabulary:
Here are some important words to help you understand the story better.
- Une marâtre / belle-mère = A stepmother – a wicked or mean stepmother
- Les demi-sœurs = Stepsisters – sisters who are not biological
- Une citrouille = A pumpkin – a round, orange vegetable
- Une fée = A fairy – a magical creature that helps people
- Une pantoufle de verre – A glass slipper = a transparent and magical shoe
- Un bal = A ball – a grand party with dancing
- Un carrosse = A carriage – a luxurious means of transport pulled by horses
- Un prince charmant = A charming prince – an ideal prince, handsome and kind
- Un sortilège = A spell – magic, an enchantment
- Minuit = Midnight – twelve o’clock at night
- les tâches ménagères = chores
L’Histoire de Cendrillon (The story)
Il était une fois une jeune fille nommée Cendrillon. Elle vivait avec sa marâtre et ses deux demi-sœurs. Malheureusement, son père était mort, et sa belle-mère était très cruelle. Elle obligeait Cendrillon à faire toutes les tâches ménagères pendant que ses sœurs vivaient dans le luxe. Elles se moquaient souvent d’elle car elle était toujours couverte de cendres.
Un jour, un message du roi arriva : un grand bal était organisé pour que le prince trouve une épouse. Les sœurs de Cendrillon étaient très excitées et préparaient leurs robes. Cendrillon, elle aussi, rêvait d’y aller, mais sa belle-mère refusa et la laissa seule à la maison.
Cendrillon était très triste, mais soudain, une bonne fée apparut. “Ne pleure pas, ma fille,” dit-elle. “Je vais t’aider.” Avec sa baguette magique, elle transforma une citrouille en carrosse, des souris en chevaux, et donna à Cendrillon une robe magnifique avec des pantoufles de verre. “Mais souviens-toi,” dit la fée, “le sortilège disparaîtra à minuit.”
Cendrillon arriva au bal et émerveilla tout le monde, y compris le prince charmant. Ils dansèrent ensemble toute la soirée. Mais à minuit, Cendrillon se rappela les paroles de la fée et s’enfuit, laissant une pantoufle de verre derrière elle.
Le lendemain, le prince, amoureux, décida de retrouver la jeune fille qui pouvait porter cette chaussure. Il alla de maison en maison, mais aucune femme ne pouvait l’enfiler. Enfin, il arriva chez Cendrillon. Sa marâtre tenta de cacher Cendrillon, mais la chaussure lui allait parfaitement. Le prince l’épousa et ils vécurent heureux.
Explanation and analysis of Cendrillon
Why is the story important?
Cendrillon is a story that exists in many different cultures, it is a universal tale. It shows how kindness and patience can lead to long term happiness even when life is full of injustice.
Why does the charming prince not recognize Cinderella without her glass shoe?
Magical objects in fairytales often hold great importance. The glass slipper symbolizes the uniqueness of Cinderella, it is a magical way to prove her identity and uniqueness.
What is the role of the fairy?
The fairy plays a very important role, she gives Cinderella a chance to change her life but it doesn’t do everything for her so Cinderella needs to take the opportunity and prove herself, to show that change comes from within and not from a magic spell.
What Does “Cinderella” Mean?
The name Cinderella comes from the word “Cinder” (Cendre) because she was often covered with cinder after the chores.

Moral of the story
The Cinderella story teaches children many important life lessons:
Patience and kindness always win
Even though Cinderella goes through a lot, she suffers everyday and yet she remains kind and patient and eventually she finds happiness.
Don’t judge a book by its cover
Do not judge people by their appearances, the prince in this story does not know Cinderella before the ball and eventually he falls in love with her.
Seize the opportunities you get in life
Cinderella wouldn’t have changed her life if she hadn’t gone to the ball.
The tale of Cinderella is perfect for French learners because it is rich in vocabulary and useful expressions that you can use in your everyday life, it will also make you think about certain matters in society. Reading this tale will not only help you improve your vocabulary, it will also enhance your comprehension skills of the French language while enjoying a beautiful story.
So what are you waiting for, Start reading Cendrillon today and immerse yourself in the magic of French storytelling! Or book your free session with one of our Albert Learning‘s trainers and start practicing stories in English!