Quiz on Present Perfect Tense

Welcome to your Quiz on Present Perfect Tense

Fill in the blanks with ‘the present perfect tense’ by choosing the correct option:

I ___________ this way before. I now remember!
You ____________ France, since 2019.
They ________ to the fair, near the river. They should be back soon.
He _________ never ________ soccer before joining this practice club.
She _____________ drinking alcohol after going to the rehabilitation center.
We should not _____________ going to the cinema. They will find out anyway!We should not _____________ going to the cinema. They will find out anyway!
Surprisingly, the burglars ________________ to enter that house as yet. Call the police immediately!
The students of this school _________ always ___________ their teachers.
She _______________ tickets to the movies today!
They _________ for a long time to see their country free from dictatorship rule.