Quiz on “Spelling Changes”

Welcome to your Quiz on “Spelling Changes”

Choose the correct spelling from the options and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets:

She ____________ (walk) very fast, to reach her destination on time.
They _________ (eat) all home cooked meals.
He _________ (fry) his food in olive oil.
I have many hens in my backyard. They __________ (eat) all types of grain.
She ___________ (bring) home a lovely chandelier that she will hang in the living room.
Never _________ (speak) about this in front of him again!
Nathan ___________ (fix) any electrical problem at the click of a button.
You must not _________ (watch) television all the time.
Senorita is the only girl in the class who __________ (do) her homework regularly.
The level of the water in the dam __________ (rise) during high tide.