Quiz on “Verbs: Usage of Have”

Welcome to your Quiz on “Verbs: Usage of Have”

Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks with the correct conjugation of the verb in bracket:

She will _______ (have, go) to Paris on the 10th of October next year.
I ________ (visit) the dentist early next week.
Tomorrow is a holiday and the children _____________ (have, decide) to play all day.
Jason would ____________ (have, take) the longer route if you did not tell him about the shorter one.
The passengers travelling on this cruise _____________ (have, board) the cruise 30 minutes prior to its departure.
The students of class 9th ______________ (have, write) their science paper yesterday.
You ____________ (have, buy) a beautiful house, by the sea.
She ___________ (has/have) a wonderful wardrobe with the most expensive of stuff.
The waiter __________ (have. serve) all the dishes when they ordered for one more.
The clown in the circus ___________ (have, make) everyone laugh, including my grand-father who doesn’t generally laugh a lot.