Watch Your Way To Learning French–Part 8!

Good work on completing seven lessons! Now learn French vocabulary online by practicing each word and phrase you learnt. Learn 10 more words with this eighth video.

Learn French vocabulary online with this Video: French 500 words lesson 8

Please write your answers to the exercise in the comment section below.

Exercise: Choose the right translation for the following words.

1- Man means…

a) Homme

b) Femme

2- Sea means…     

a) Sympa

b) Mer

3- Tall means…

a) Grand

b) Court

4- Kind means…

a) Sympa

b) Met

5- Thing means…

a) Chose

b) Quelque chose

6- Something means…

a) Met

b) Quelque chose

7- Woman means…

a) Femme

b) Grand

8- Put means…

a) Met

b) Chose

9- Short means…

a) Court

b) Très

10- Very means…

a) Homme

b) Très

Don’t forget to number your answers correctly! Good luck!

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