Les Verbes les plus courants utilisés en anglais

Les verbes constituent une partie importante pour parler n’importe quelle langue. Sans les connaître, vous pourriez faire des phrases qui n’ont aucun sens. Pour commencer, ce sont les verbes les plus couramment utilisés en anglais. Jetez-y un œil et utilisez-les dans les conversations quotidiennes.

1. Speak [ speek ]

Meaning: to say words, to use the voice, or to have a conversation with someone

French – parler

Example: Can I speak to you for a minute? (Puis-je vous parler une minute?) 

2. Write [ rahyt ]

Meaning: to make marks that represent letters, words, or numbers on a surface, such as paper or a computer screen, using a pen, pencil, or keyboard, or to use this method to record thoughts, facts, or messages

French – écrire 

Example: She writes beautifully. (Elle écrit magnifiquement.)

3. Go [ goh ]

Meaning: to travel or move to another place

French – aller

Example: He will go to the mall tomorrow. (Il va aller au centre commercial demain.)

4. Work [ wurk ]

Meaning: an activity, such as a job, that a person uses physical or mental effort to do, usually for money

French – travailler

Example: He works day and night to provide for his family. (Il travaille jour et nuit pour subvenir aux besoins de sa famille.)

5. Sleep [ sleep ]

Meaning: the resting state in which the body is not active and the mind is unconscious

French – dormir

Example: The baby sleeps peacefully throughout the night. (Le bébé dort paisiblement toute la nuit.)

6. Run [ ruhn ]

Meaning: to move along, faster than walking, by taking quick steps in which each foot is lifted before the next foot touches the ground

French – courir 

Example: He runs the fastest among his cousins. (Il court plus vite que ses cousins.)

7. Walk [ wawk ]

Meaning – to move along by putting one foot in front of the other, allowing each foot to touch the ground before lifting the next

French – marcher

Example: One should walk a few kilometers everyday. (Il faut marcher quelques kilomètres tous les jours.)

8. Leave [ leev ]

Meaning – to go away from someone or something, for a short time or permanently

French – partir

Example: They left for Paris yesterday. (Ils sont partis pour Paris hier.)

9. Start [  stahrt  ]

Meaning – to begin doing something

French – commencer 

Example: Once you start learning a language, there is no looking back. (Une fois que vous commencez à apprendre une langue, vous ne pouvez plus regarder en arrière.)

10. Think [ thingk ]

Meaning – to believe something or have an opinion or idea

French – penser 

Example: Elle sometimes thinks too much.  (Elle pense trop parfois.)

11. Know [ noh]

Meaning – to have information in your mind

French – connaitre 

Example: It’s interesting to know about the history of our nations. (Il est intéressant de connaître l’histoire de nos nations.)

12. Become [ bih-kuhm ]

Meaning – to start to be

French – devenir 

Example: His father wanted Jack to become a happy person.  (Son père voulait que Jack devienne une personne heureuse.)

13. Play [ pley ]

Meaning – When you play, especially as a child, you spend time doing an enjoyable and/or entertaining activity

French – jouer 

Example: Kids are playing outdoors. (Les enfants jouent à l’extérieur.)

14. Call [ kawl ]

Meaning – to use a phone to talk to someone

French – téléphoner 

Example: Michele called her childhood friends. (Michele a téléphoné à ses amis d’enfance.)

15. Be [ bee ]

Meaning – used to say something about a person, thing, or state, to show a permanent or temporary quality, state, job, etc

French – être 

Example: John is a doctor. (John est médecin.)

16. Have [ hav ]

Meaning – used with the past participle of other verbs to form the present perfect and past perfect

French – avoir

Example: Do you have a pet dog? (As-tu un chien de compagnie?)

17. Come [ kuhm ]

Meaning – to move or travel towards the speaker or with the speaker

French – venir

Example: Will you come shopping with us? (Viendrez-vous faire du shopping avec nous?)

18. Say[ sey ]

Meaning – to pronounce words or sounds, to express a thought, opinion, or suggestion, or to state a fact or instruction

French – dire

Example: Grandpa would always say, “Be honest, and never lie.”  (Grand-père disait toujours: «Sois honnête et ne mens jamais.»)

19. See [ see ]

Meaning – to be conscious of what is around you by using your eyes

French – voir

Example: She wanted to see the whole world. (Elle voulait voir le monde entier.)

20. Wait [ weyt ]

Meaning – to allow time to go by, especially while staying in one place without doing very much, until someone comes, until something that you are expecting happens or until you can do something

French – attendre

Example: John asked me to wait for him at the entrance of the school. (John m’a demandé de l’attendre à l’entrée de l’école)

J’espère que vous connaissez maintenant les verbes les plus courants en anglais. Faites-en usage. Pour plus de vocabulaire en anglais, continuez à lire notre blog. Apprenez l’anglais en ligne chez Albert.