Vocabulaire lié à la météo en anglais

La météo ne cesse de changer d’un jour à l’autre. Pour pouvoir en parler, il faut connaître le bon vocabulaire. Lisez cet article et découvrez le vocabulaire lié à la météo en anglais.

1. Rain [ reyn ]

Meaning: drops of water from clouds:

French: pluie 

I hate going out in the rain. (Je déteste sortir sous la pluie.)

2. Drizzle [ drizuh l ]

Meaning – rain in very small, light drops

French – bruine / brouillasse (familier)

It was drizzling the entire day yesterday. (Il faisait bruine toute la journée hier.)

3. Flood [ fluhd ]

Meaning –  to cause to fill or become covered with water, especially in a way that causes problems

French – inondation

She was stuck in her school due to the floods. (Elle était coincée dans son école à cause des inondations.)

4. Overcast [oh-ver-kast]

Meaning: with clouds in the sky and therefore not bright and sunny

French: –  couvert(e)

She wanted to go visit the park, but the weather was overcast. (Elle voulait aller visiter le parc, mais le temps était couvert.)

5. Foggy  [ fog-ee ]

Meaning – a weather condition in which very small drops of water come together to form a thick cloud close to the land or sea, ocean, making it difficult to see

French – brumeux

It was so foggy that she couldn’t see through the car. (C’était tellement brumeux qu’elle ne pouvait pas voir depuis la voiture.)

6. Cloudy [ klou-dee ]

Meaning – full of clouds

French – nuageux/euse

She wanted to go shopping, but as it was cloudy, she didn’t. (Elle voulait faire du shopping, mais comme c’était nuageux, elle ne l’a pas fait.)

7. Snowflake [ snoh-fleyk ]

Meaning – a small piece of snow that falls from the sky. Snowflakes are sometimes represented as six-sided crystals on Christmas cards, decorations, etc.

French – Flocon de neige

It’s mesmerising to watch the snow flakes. (C’est fascinant de regarder les flocons de neige.)

8. hail [ heyl ]

Meaning – small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain

French – grêle 

The weather forecast suspected the probability of hail. (Les prévisions météorologiques soupçonnaient la probabilité de grêle.)

9. Breeze [ breez ]

Meaning – a light and pleasant wind

French – brise

She loved when the breeze passed through her face. (Elle aimait quand la brise passait sur son visage.)

10. Hurricane  [ hur-i-keyn ]

Meaning – a violent wind that has a circular movement, especially in the West Atlantic Ocean

French –  ouragan

Various people lose their lives during hurricane season. (Diverses personnes perdent la vie pendant la saison des ouragans.)

11. rainbow [ reyn-boh ]

Meaning: an arch (= curved shape) of different colours seen in the sky when rain is falling and the sun is shining

French – arc-en-ciel 

She was awestruck by the beauty of the rainbow. (Elle était émerveillée par la beauté de l’arc-en-ciel.)

12. Lightning [ lahyt-ning ]

Meaning- a flash of bright light in the sky that is produced by electricity moving between clouds or from clouds to the ground

French – foudre

A man lost his life when lightning struck upon him.  (Un homme a perdu la vie lorsque la foudre l’a frappé.)

13. Thunder [ thuhn-der ]

Meaning – the sudden loud noise that comes from the sky especially during a storm

French: tonnerre

The kids were scared after hearing the thunder. (Les enfants ont eu peur après avoir entendu le tonnerre.)

14. Hot [ hot ]

Meaning – having a high temperature

French: très chaud(e)

He regretted going out in the hot weather and getting sunburnt. (Il regrettait d’être sorti par temps très chaud et d’avoir eu un coup de soleil.)

15. Clear [ kleer ]

Meaning – pure or easy to see through, with no marks or areas that are less transparent

French: clair

The sky looks blue and clear. (Le ciel est bleu et clair.)

16. Warm [ wawrm ]

Meaning – having a fairly high temperature, but not hot

French: chaud(e)

I don’t like to go out when it’s warm. (Je n’aime pas sortir quand il fait chaud.)

17. Humid [ hyoo-mid ]

Meaning – (of air and weather conditions) containing extremely small drops of water in the air

French: humide

My hair seems weird in a humid climate. (Mes cheveux semblent bizarres dans un climat humide..)

Maintenant que vous connaissez la signification de ces mots, assurez-vous de les utiliser quand vous parlez de la météo. Pour plus de vocabulaire anglais, continuez à lire le blog. Conitnuer à apprendre l’anglais en ligne chez Albert Learning.