Vocabulaire lié aux fleurs en anglais

Les fleurs n’apportent-elles pas une touche de couleur à la plante autrement verte? Ils sont tout simplement incroyables à regarder et si beaux. Venez apprendre comment ils sont appelés en anglais.

1. Tulip [ too-lip ]

Meaning: a plant with a large, brightly coloured, bell-shaped flower on a stem that grows from a bulb, or the flower itself

French: tulipe

She had a photoshoot done in tulip fields. (Elle a fait une séance photo dans des champs de tulipes.)

2. Rose [ rohz ]

Meaning – a garden plant with thorns on its stems and pleasant-smelling flowers, or a flower from this plant

French – rose

He gifted her a bouquet of red roses on their anniversary. (Il lui a offert un bouquet de roses rouges pour leur anniversaire.)

3. Sunflower [ suhn-flou-er ]

Meaning –  a plant, usually having a very tall stem and a single large, round, flat, yellow flower, with many long, thin, narrow petals close together

French –  tournesol

She used a sunflower to add colour to her otherwise dull room. (Elle a utilisé un tournesol pour ajouter de la couleur à sa chambre tellement terne.)

4. Daffodil [ dafuh-dil ]

Meaning: a yellow, bell-shaped flower with a long stem that is commonly seen in the spring

French: –  jonquille

He picked up many daffodils while on the trip. (Il a ramassé de nombreuses jonquilles pendant le voyage.)

5. Hibiscus [ hahy-bis-kuh s ]

Meaning – a tropical plant or bush with large, brightly coloured flowers

French – hibiscus

We learned how to dissect a hibiscus in class. (Nous avons appris à disséquer un hibiscus en classe.)

6. Marigold [ mar-i-gohld ]

Meaning – a plant with bright yellow or orange flowers

French – souci 

I planted a marigold at my place. (J’ai planté un souci chez moi.)

7. Orchid [ awr-kid ]

Meaning – a plant with beautifully coloured flowers that have an unusual shape

French – orchidée

Whenever it comes to decor, we always choose orchids. (Chaque fois qu’il s’agit de décoration, nous choisissons toujours des orchidées.)

8. Lily [ lil-ee ]

Meaning – any of various plants with a large, bell-shaped flower on a long stem

French – lis

Her favourite flower is lily. (Sa fleur préférée est le lis.)

9. Lotus [ loh-tuh s ]

Meaning – a type of tropical water lily (= a plant with large, flat leaves that float on the surface of lakes and pools)

French – lotus

Lotus is the national flower of India. (Le lotus est la fleur nationale de l’Inde.)

10. Daisy [ dey-zee ]

Meaning – a small flower with white petals and a yellow centre that often grows in grass

French – marguerite

She drew daisies for her art exam. (Elle a dessiné des marguerites pour son examen d’art.)

11. Cherry Blossom [ cher-ee blosuhm]

Meaning: a symbolic flower of the spring, a time of renewal, and the fleeting nature of life, the flower of the genus Prunus trees

French – fleurs de cerisier

The cherry blossom season in Japan is a delight to watch. (La saison des cerisiers en fleurs au Japon est un plaisir à regarder.)

12. Jasmine [ jas-min ]

Meaning- a climbing plant. One type has white sweet-smelling flowers in summer and another type has yellow flowers in winter.

French – jasmin

He gifted her a jasmine flavoured perfume.  (Il lui a offert un parfum au jasmin.)

13. Carnation [ kahr-ney-shuh n ]

Meaning – a small flower with a sweet smell, usually white, pink, or red in colour

French: œillet 

He wore a carnation in his buttonhole for the wedding. (Il portait un œillet dans sa boutonnière pour le mariage.)

14. Poppy [ pop-ee ]

Meaning – a plant with large, delicate flowers that are typically red and have small, black seeds

French: povat

The poppy grown in India is usually the white-flowered variety. (Le pavot cultivé en Inde est généralement la variété à fleurs blanches.)

15. Hyacinth [ hahyuh-sinth ]

Meaning – a pleasant-smelling plant with a lot of small flowers that grow close together around one thick stem

French: jacinthe

The water hyacinth and water fern could modify the native ecosystem. (La jacinthe d’eau et la fougère aquatique pourraient modifier l’écosystème indigène.)

Maintenant que vous connaissez la signification de ces mots, assurez-vous de les utiliser quand vous parlez des fleurs. Pour plus de vocabulaire anglais, continuez à lire le blog. Vous pouvez aussi apprendre anglais en ligne chez Albert Learning.