Vocabulaire des types de conteneurs en anglais

Nous stockons généralement différents articles dans différents types de conteneurs. Tous ont des noms différents. Bien que vous connaissiez certains d’entre eux en anglais, il est difficile de les connaître tous. Dans cet article, nous vous présentons différents types de conteneurs en anglais.

1. Basket bas-kit ]

Meaning: a light container, often with a handle, that is made of thin strips of wood, metal, or plastic twisted together, used for carrying or storing things

French: panier

She picked a basket full of strawberries from the garden. (Elle a cueilli un panier plein de fraises du jardin.)

2. Box [ boks ]

Meaning – a square or rectangular container with stiff sides and sometimes a lid

French -boîte 

She was surprised to see a huge box outside her house as a Christmas present. (Elle a été surprise de voir une énorme boîte devant sa maison comme cadeau de Noël.)

3. Bucket [ buhk-it]

Meaning –  a container with an open top and a handle, often used for carrying liquids

French – seau 

The bucket was filled with warm water. (Le seau était rempli d’eau chaude.)

4. Can [ kan ]

Meaning: a closed metal container, especially cylinder-shaped, in which some types of drink and food are sold

French: –  boîte

I need a can of baked beans from the supermarket. (J’ai besoin d’une boîte de haricots cuits au supermarché.)

5. Chest [ chest]

Meaning – a large, strong box, usually made of wood, used for storing goods or possessions or for moving possessions from one place to another

French – coffre

My grandmother’s chest had her old belongings preserved for years. (Le coffre de ma grand-mère a conservé ses vieilles affaires pendant des années.)

6. Container [ kuhn-tey-ner ]

Meaning – a hollow object, such as a box or a bottle, that can be used for holding something, especially to carry or store it

French – récipient

She got some airtight containers to store her raisins. (Elle a obtenu des contenants hermétiques pour stocker ses raisins secs.)

7. Crate [ kreyt ]

Meaning – a box made of wood, plastic, or metal, especially one divided into parts to hold bottles

French – caisse 

Get us a milk crate from the market. (Apportez-nous une caisse de lait du marché.)

8. Jar [ jahr ]

Meaning – a glass or clay container with a wide opening at the top and sometimes a fitted lid, usually used for storing food

French – pot

Are there any cookies left in the jar? (Reste-t-il des cookies dans le pot?)

9. Pitcher [ pich-er ]

Meaning – a large, round container for liquids that has a flat base, a handle, and a very narrow raised opening at the top for pouring

French – pichet

There is some lemonade left in the pitcher for you. (Il reste de la limonade dans le pichet pour vous.)

10. Pot [ pot ]

Meaning – any of various types of container, usually round, especially one used for cooking food

French –  pot

She stirred the pot of stew and stepped away from the fire. (Elle remua le pot de ragoût et s’éloigna du feu.)

11. Vase [ veys ]

Meaning: a container used for holding cut flowers or for decoration

French – vase

He gifted her a flower vase. (Il lui a offert un vase à fleurs..)

12. Trunk [ truhngk ]

Meaning – a large, strong container that is used for storing clothes and personal possessions, often when travelling or going to live in a new place

French – coffre

The ancient trunk has rusted.  (Le vieux coffre est rouillé.)

13. Vessel [ vesuhl ]

Meaning – a curved container that is used to hold liquid

French: récipient 

Take out the curry in a vessel. (Sortez le curry dans un récipient.)

14. Carton [ kahr-tn ]

Meaning – a box made from thick cardboard, for storing goods, or a container made from cardboard or plastic, in which milk or fruit juice, etc. is sold

French: carton

He put all his unwanted things in a carton. (Il a mis toutes ses choses indésirables dans un carton.)

15. Flask [ flask ]

Meaning – a special container that keeps drinks hot or cold

French: flacon

She put the tea in the flask so it remains hot. (Elle a mis le thé dans le flacon pour le garder chaud.)

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