People capture their memories in photographs. For having the best kind of shots, one should know photography well. And in this article, you will learn to talk about all things related to photography in French. Use these new words you learn to talk in French like a native.
1. une photo
Meaning: a picture produced using a camera
English: photograph
Example: J’étais nostalgique après avoir vu ma photo d’enfance. (I was nostalgic after seeing my childhood photograph.)
2. un/une photographe
Meaning: a person who takes photographs, either as a job or hobby
English: photographer
Example: Mon meilleur ami est photographe de mode.
(My best friend is a fashion photographer.)
3. la photographie
Meaning: the activity or job of taking photographs or filming
English: photography
Example: Il est allé au parc national pour la photographie de la faune
(= des animaux sauvages).(He went to the national park for some wildlife photography.)
4. un appareil photo
Meaning: a device for taking photographs and
making films or television programmes
English: camera
Example: Elle a souhaité un appareil photo pour son 17ème anniversaire.
(She wished for a camera on her 17th birthday.)
5. l’objectif
Meaning :a piece of glass or plastic having a curved surface in order to change the images that are received after going through it and usually to make them larger, smaller, or clearer
English: lens
Example: Il existe de nombreux types d’objectifs utilisés pour la photographie.
(There are many different kinds of lens used for photography.)
6. un appareil photo numérique
Meaning: a type of camera that records images that can be looked at on a computer
English: digital camera
Example: Il lui était difficile de passer d’un appareil photo traditionnel à un appareil photo numérique. (It was difficult for him to switch from a traditional camera to a digital camera.)
7. un appareil photo argentique
Meaning: a camera that uses photographic film, in contrast to a digital camera.
English: film camera
Example: Les gens utilisent rarement l’appareil photo argentique de nos jours. (People rarely use the film camera these days.)
8. sous-exposé
Meaning: to give too little light to a piece of photographic film when taking a photograph
English: underexposed
Example: Les photos prises par les appareils photo compacts sont souvent sombres car elles sont légèrement sous-exposées. (Photos taken by compact cameras are often dark because they’re slightly underexposed.)
9. surexposé
Meaning :to give too much light to a piece of photographic film when taking a photograph
English: overexposed
Example: En raison de la lumière vive, toutes mes photos sont surexposées. (Due to bright light, all my photos are overexposed.)
10. flou
Meaning: difficult to see clearly so it becomes difficult for someone to see things clearly
English: blurry
Example: Elle était triste car toutes ses photos du voyage étaient floues. (She was sad as all her pictures from the trip were blurry.)
11. l’agrandissement
Meaning: something, especially a photograph, that has been enlarged
English: enlargement
Example: L’agrandissement fait ressortir les détails de la photographie. (The enlargement brings out the details in the photograph. )
12. une vue panoramique
Meaning: a picture with a view of a wide area
English: pan shot
Example: Elle sait comment prendre une vue panoramique parfaite. (She knows just how to take the perfect pan shot.)
13. le filtre
Meaning: a tool for creating special effects on an image
English: filter
Example: Elle a gâché l’image en ayant divers filtres. (She spoiled the picture by having various filters.)
14. un gros plan
Meaning: an image taken from very near so that the subject appears large
English: closeup
Example: Il a pris un gros plan époustouflant de la sienne. (He took a stunning close up of hers.)
15. la chambre noire
Meaning: a specially lit room where photographic film is processed
English: darkroom
Example: Il n’est normalement pas nécessaire d’opérer dans une chambre noire. (It isn’t normally necessary to operate in a darkroom.)
I hope you enjoyed learning words related to photography in French. And for more such vocabulary, keep reading our blog. You can easily learn French online with us. So stay tuned for more interesting blogs.
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[…] in French. The next time you visit a zoo in France, try and recollect these words. For more such vocabulary, keep reading our blog. You can easily learn French online with us. Stay tuned for more interesting […]