Learn 10 new words with our blog every week and speak fluently in Spanish. Have a look at this video by Albert Learning.
Video for Spanish 500 words-Lesson 39
Practise your Spanish with the below exercise. Write the answers in the comment section below.
Exercise: Choose the correct translation
1) Baño
- Bath
- Garden
2) Suena
- Sunrise
- Sound
3) Encantador
- Handsome
- Charming
4) Reservar
- Reservoir
- Reservation
5) En Medio
- In between
- Not at all
6) Parece que te divertiste mucho
- It seems that you had a lot of fun.
- It seems that you did not have a lot of fun.
7) ¿Cómo estuvo tu habitación?
- How was your building?
- How was your room?
8) ¿Cómo hago una reservación allí?
- How do I make a reservation there?
- How do I go there?
9) Nuestra habitación tenía una vista encantadora.
- Our room was bad.
- Our room had a lovely view
10) Puedes reservar una habitación en línea
- You can reserve the room online.
- You can reserve the building online.
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Watch our previous Spanish language video here and learn basic Spanish.