Vocabulaire lié aux fruits et légumes

Les fruits et légumes constituent une partie importante de notre alimentation. Imaginez vous voyager quelque part où ils parlent anglais, là, connaître les fruits et légumes en anglais serait un avantage pour vous  si vous voulez les acheter. Lisez la suite pour en savoir plus sur les fruits et légumes en anglais.

1. Apple [ apuh l ]

Meaning: a round fruit with firm, white flesh and a green, red, or yellow skin

French – pomme

Example: John wondered how he fell ill even after eating an apple a day. (John s’est demandé comment il était tombé malade même en mangeant une pomme par jour.) 

2. Banana [ buh-nan-uh ]

Meaning: a long, curved fruit with a yellow skin and soft, sweet, white flesh inside

French – banane

Example: Fitness freaks like to have at least a banana everyday. (Les amateurs de fitness aiment avoir au moins une banane par jour)

3. Peach [ peech ]

Meaning: a round fruit with sweet yellow flesh that has a lot of juice, a slightly furry red and yellow skin, and a large seed in its centre

French – pêche

Example: She loved the peach and cream flavoured ice cream. (Elle adorait la crème glacée et la glace à la pêche .)

4. mango [ mang-goh ]

Meaning: an oval tropical fruit with a smooth skin, orange-yellow flesh, and a large, hard seed in the middle

French – mangue

Example: He waited for the mango season eagerly.  (Il attendait avec impatience la saison des mangues.)

5. Watermelon [ waw-ter-mel-uh n ]

Meaning: a large, round or oval-shaped fruit with dark green skin, sweet pink flesh, and a lot of black seeds

French – pastèque 

Example: Having watermelon juice in summers is refreshing. (Avoir du jus de pastèque en été est rafraîchissant.)

6. Kiwi [ kee-wee ]

Meaning: an oval fruit with brown skin covered in hairs and bright green flesh

French – kiwi

Example: She liked kiwi the most. (Ce qu’elle aimait le plus c’est le kiwi.)

7. Cherry [ cher-ee ]

Meaning – a small, round, soft red or black fruit with a single hard seed in the middle, or the tree on which the fruit grows

French – cerise

Example: The cherry made the cake look beautiful. (La cerise a rendu le gâteau magnifique.)

8. Grape [ greyp ]

Meaning – a small, round, purple or pale green fruit that you can eat or make into wine

French – raisin

Example: She threw the grape right into his mouth. (Elle a jeté le raisin directement dans sa bouche.)

9. Orange [  awr-inj ]

Meaning – a round sweet fruit that has a thick orange skin and an orange centre divided into many parts

French – orange

Example: Orange juice is a must while having breakfast. (Le jus d’orange est l’indispensable du petit déjeuner.)

10. Pear [ pair ]

Meaning – a sweet fruit, usually with a green skin and a lot of juice, that has a round base and is slightly pointed towards the stem

French – poire

Example: The pear is still too firm to eat. (La poire est encore trop dure pour être mangée.)

11. Pineapple [ pahy-nap-uh l]

Meaning – (the yellow flesh and juice of) a large tropical fruit with a rough orange or brown skin and pointed leaves on top

French – ananas

Example: She was shocked to see pineapple as a pizza topping. (Elle a été choquée de voir l’ananas comme une garniture à pizza.)

12. Strawberry [ straw-ber-ee ]

Meaning – a small juicy red fruit that has small brown seeds on its surface, or the plant with white flowers on which this fruit grows

French – fraise

Example: His favourite dessert was strawberry cream. (Son dessert préféré était la crème de fraise.)

13. Pomegranate [ pom-gran-it ]

Meaning – a round, thick-skinned fruit containing a mass of red seeds and a lot of juice

French – grenade

Example: She drank pomegranate juice to increase her hemoglobin levels. (Elle a bu du jus de grenade pour augmenter son taux d’hémoglobine)

14. Cabbage [ kab-ij ]

Meaning – a large, round vegetable with large green, white, or purple leaves that can be eaten cooked or uncooked

French – chou

Example: She liked most vegetables, but not cabbage. (Elle aimait la plupart des légumes, sauf le chou.)

15. Cauliflower [kaw-luh-flou-er ]

Meaning – a large, round, white vegetable that is eaten cooked or uncooked

French – chou fleur

Example: Do you like cauliflower? (Aimez-vous le chou fleur?)

16. Onion [  uhnyuh n ]

Meaning – a vegetable with a strong smell and flavour, made up of several layers surrounding each other tightly in a round shape, usually brown or red on the outside and white inside

French – oignon

Example: She loved having an onion in all her meals. (Elle adorait avoir un oignon dans tous ses repas.)

17. Potato [ puhtey-toh ]

Meaning – a round vegetable that grows underground and has white flesh with light brown, red, or pink skin, or the plant on which these grow

French – pomme de terre

Example: He could survive on cuisines made of potato forever.(Il pourrait survivre pour toujours avec des cuisines à base de pomme de terre.)

18. Garlic [ gahr-lik ]

Meaning – a plant of the onion family that has a strong taste and smell and is used in cooking to add flavour

French – ail

Example: He hated the smell of garlic.  (Il détestait l’odeur de l’ail)

19. Tomato [ tuh-mey-toh ]

Meaning – a round, red fruit with a lot of seeds, eaten cooked or uncooked as a vegetable, for example in salads or sauces

French – tomate

Example: Whenever he was low, she would make his favourite tomato soup. (Chaque fois qu’il était faible, elle faisait sa soupe de tomates préférée.)

20. Carrot [ karuh t ]

Meaning – a long pointed orange root eaten as a vegetable

French – carotte

Example: She made amazing carrot cake. (Elle a fait un incroyable gâteau aux carottes.)

J’espère que vous connaissez maintenant le vocabulaire relatif aux fruits et légumes . Pour plus de mots dans la même catégorie, apprenez l’anglais en ligne avec nous. Prenez des cours d’anglais en ligne chez Albert Learning.