Most commonly used adjectives in French – Part 3

You have already gone through various adjectives in French in the previous articles on adjectives. In today’s article, we get to you the last set of most commonly used adjectives in French. Read on, and make sure you use them while you talk in French to make it interesting.

1. Occupé

English : busy

Meaning : having a lot to do; perhaps not free to do something else because you are working on something

Example : Je voulais voir mon amie, mais elle était trop occupée. I wanted to meet up with my friend, but she was too busy.

2. Orageux

English : stormy

Meaning : with strong winds and heavy rain or snow

Example : ciel orageux. stormy sky

3. Paresseux

English : lazy

Meaning : unwilling to work or be active; doing as little as possible

Example : Mon fils est intelligent mais extrêmement paresseux. My son is smart but incredibly lazy.

4. Patient

English : patient

Meaning : able to wait for a long time or accept annoying behaviour or difficulties without becoming angry

Example : The teacher is very patient with her young pupils. La maîtresse est très patiente avec ses jeunes élèves.

5. Possible

English : possible

Meaning : that can be done or achieved

Example : Il est possible de payer par carte dans ce magasin. It is possible to pay by card in this shop.

6. Pratique

English : convenient

Meaning : useful, easy or quick to do; not causing problems

Example : Apprendre une langue demande une pratique constante. Learning a language requires constant practice.

7. Pressé

English : in a hurry

Meaning : done too quickly because you do not have enough time

Example : J’ai pressé le chauffeur de taxi car j’étais en retard. I hurried the taxi driver because I was late.

8. Prêt

English : ready

Meaning :  fully prepared for what you are going to do and able to start it immediately

Example : Tout est prêt pour mon mariage, même la pièce montée. Everything is ready for my wedding, even the wedding cake.

9. Sale

English : dirty, filthy, nasty

Meaning : very dirty and unpleasant

Example : Mes mains étaient sales, je les ai donc lavées. My hands were filthy, so I washed them.

10. Sérieux

English : serious, responsible, conscientiou

Meaning : bad or dangerous

Example : Il a toujours l’air très sérieux pendant qu’il travaille. He always looks very serious when he is working.

11. Super

English : great, terrific

Meaning : very good or pleasant

Example : La fête était super, et je me suis bien amusé. The party was super, and I had a great time.

12. Sympa

English : nice

Meaning : pleasant or attractive

Example : Nous avons passé une soirée sympa au restaurant. We spent a nice evening at the restaurant.

13. Timide

English : shy

Meaning : nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people

Example : Avant j’étais timide, maintenant je suis plus sûr de moi. Before I was shy, now I am more confident.

14. Tranquille

English : quiet, peaceful

Meaning : making very little noise

Example : J’aime vivre dans ce village tranquille et paisible. I like living in this quiet and peaceful village.

15. Vieux

English : old (masculine)

Meaning : having lived for a long time

Example : Le vieux château a été construit sur une colline. The old castle was built on a hill.

We hope you could get enough knowledge about commonly used adjectives in French in this article. For more vocabulary in French, keep reading our article.

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