Most commonly used adjectives in French – Part 2

You’ve already gone through a few adjectives in French in our previous article. This article is a continuation of the most commonly used adjectives in French. Let’s learn to use them to make English interesting.

1. Ennuyé

English : annoyed

Meaning : feeling tired and impatient because you have lost interest in somebody/something or because you have nothing to do

Example : L’intervenant a ennuyé tout le monde avec son long discours. (The speaker bored everyone with his long speech.)

2. Épuisé

English : exhausted

Meaning : very tired

Example : J’étais épuisé après mon voyage autour du monde. (I was weary after my trip around the world.)

3. Évident

English : obvious

Meaning : easy to see or understand

Example : La réponse à la question n’est pas immédiatement évidente. (The answer to the question is not immediately obvious.)

4. Fâché

English : angry

Meaning : having strong feelings about something that you dislike very much or about an unfair situation

Example : Je ne me suis plus senti fâché, mais calme. (I no longer felt upset, but calm.)

5. Facile

English : easy

Meaning : not difficult; done or obtained without a lot of effort or problems

Example : L’examen était facile, je connaissais toutes les réponses. (The exam was easy, I knew all the answers.)

6. Fatigué

English : tired

Meaning :

Example : Les enfants sont fatigués et dormiront bientôt. (The children are tired and will be asleep soon.)

7. Frais

English : cool

Meaning : fairly cold; not hot or warm

Example : Les frais d’assurance ne sont pas recouvrables. (The insurance costs are not recoverable.)

8. Grave

English : tough

Meaning : having or causing problems or difficulties

Example : La décision de la direction a eu des conséquences graves. (The management’s decision had serious consequences.)

9. Gros

English : big, thick

Meaning : large in size, degree, amount, etc.

Example : Il y a une grosse pile de livres sur mon bureau. (There is a big stack of books on my desk.)

10. Impossible

English : impossible, intolerable

Meaning : that cannot exist or be done; not possible

Example : Il est pratiquement impossible de pénétrer la forteresse. (Penetrating the fortress is virtually impossible.)

11. Inquiet

English : worried

Meaning : thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen and therefore feeling unhappy and afraid

Example : Je me demande ce qui ne va pas chez lui, il a l’air inquiet. (I wonder what is wrong with him, he looks worried.)

12. Intelligent

English : smart

Meaning : intelligent

Example : Même les gens les plus intelligents font des erreurs. (Even the most intelligent people make mistakes.)

13. Lourd

English : heavy

Meaning : weighing a lot; difficult to lift or move

Example : L’homme m’a aidé à soulever les boîtes lourdes. (The man helped me lift the heavy boxes.)

14. Mauvais

English : bad, poor, wrong

Meaning : unpleasant; full of problems

Example : Je suis allé me promener malgré le mauvais temps. (I went for a walk in spite of the bad weather.)

15. Méchant

English : mean

Meaning : morally bad and cruel

Example : Le méchant loup est un personnage courant des contes de fées. (The bad wolf is a popular figure in fairy tales.)

We hope you could get enough knowledge about commonly used adjectives in French in this article. For more vocabulary in French, keep reading our article.

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