Camping vocabulary in French

With our busy schedules, going camping can be fun on weekends. There are many things one needs to carry when on a camping trip. In this article, we take you through vocabulary you can use while on a camping trip in French.

1. La lampe de poche

Meaning: a building and the surrounding area where trains stop for people to get on or off

English: torch

Example: Nous aurons besoin d’une lampe de poche pour le trek nocturne. (We will need a torch for the night trek.)

2. Le lit de camp

Meaning: a light bed that can be folded so that it can be easily carried and stored

English: camp bed

Example: John ne peut pas dormir sans son lit de camp. (John can’t sleep without his camp bed.)

3. Le sac de couchage

Meaning: a large, thick bag for sleeping in, especially when you are sleeping outside, for example in a tent

English: sleeping bag

Example: N’oubliez pas de porter votre sac de couchage sur le camp. (Don’t forget to carry your sleeping bag on the camp.)

4. Gril de barbecue

Meaning: a metal frame on which meat, fish, or vegetables are cooked outdoors over a fire

English:barbecue grill

Example: Nous sommes tôt, voyons s’il y a des sièges vides dans la salle d’attente. (We’re early, see if there are any seats empty in the waiting room.)

5. Le sac à dos

Meaning : a backpack

English: rucksack

Example: Ne mettez pas beaucoup de choses dans votre sac à dos de camping. (Don’t put in a lot of things in your camping rucksack.)

6.  L’eau potable

Meaning: water that is suitable for drinking

English: drinking water

Example: Il est difficile de trouver de l’eau potable lors des randonnées. (It’s difficult to find drinking water on treks.)

7. bottes

Meaning: a type of shoe that covers the whole foot and the lower part of the leg

English: boots

Example: Elle a oublié de porter ses bottes pendant le voyage. (She forgot to carry her boots on the trip.)

8.  boussole

Meaning a device for finding direction with a needle that can move easily and that always points to magnetic north

English: compass

Example: Elle portait une boussole partout où elle allait. (She carried a compass wherever she went.

9. Feu de camp

Meaning :an outside fire, made and used by people who are staying outside or in tents

English: campfire

Example: Ils se sont assis dehors à observer les étoiles autour d’un feu de camp.(They sat outside stargazing around a campfire.)

10. crème solaire

Meaning: a substance that you put on your skin to prevent it from being damaged by the sun

English: sunscreen

Example: Cathy n’oublie jamais d’appliquer sa crème solaire. (Cathy never forgets to apply her sunscreen.)

11. Tente 

Meaning :a shelter made of canvas or a similar material and supported by poles and ropes, that you can fold up and carry with you

English: tent

Example: Nous avons construit notre propre tente. (We built our own tent.)

12. Insectifuge 

Meaning: a substance used to repel insects or mosquitoes

English: insect repellent

Example: Veuillez emporter un insectifuge pour le trek. (Please carry an insect repellent to the trek.)

13. Une corde

Meaning: strong, thick string made of long twisted threads:

English: rope

Example: Il a attrapé la corde et l’a nouée autour d’un poteau. (He caught the rope and knotted it around a post.)

14. Une carte 

Meaning: a drawing that gives you a particular type of information about a particular area

English: map

Example: Ils ont utilisé une carte lorsqu’ils étaient perdus dans les bois. (They used a map when they were lost in the woods.)

15. Caravane

Meaning: a wheeled vehicle for living or travelling in, especially for holidays, that contains beds and cooking equipment and can be pulled by a car

English: caravan

Example: Ils ont descendu la caravane pour la nuit après avoir cherché un endroit approprié. (They pulled the caravan down for the night after searching a suitable location.)

Now that you have learnt the meanings of these words in French, be sure to use them while you go camping in France. For more such vocabulary in French, keep following our blog. Learn French online with Albert Learning.