Vocabulary related to animal homes in French

Just like humans stay in homes, animals have their own homes too. However, they are all called by different names. In this article, we will take you through some of the names of animal homes in French. 

1. l’écurie

Meaning: a building in which horses are kept

English: Stable

Example: N’oubliez pas de verrouiller la porte de l’écurie, sinon les chevaux seront volés. (Don’t forget to lock the stable door or the horses will be stolen.)

2. le nid

Meaning: a structure built by birds or insects to leave their eggs in to develop, and by some other animals to give birth or live in

English: nest

Example: Le coucou pond son œuf dans un autre nid d’oiseau. (The cuckoo lays its egg in another bird’s nest.)

3. la caverne

Meaning: a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff, or mountain, or one that is underground.

English: cave

Example: Soudain, un tigre est sorti de sa caverne. (Suddenly a tiger came out of its cave.)

4. la tanière

Meaning: the home of particular types of wild animal

English: den 

Example: Sam barbu le lion dans sa tanière. (Sam bearded the lion in its den.)

5. la ruche

Meaning : a structure where bees live, either built by people or made by the bees themselves  

English: hive 

Example: Il y avait beaucoup d’abeilles qui bourdonnaient autour de la ruche. (There were many  bees humming around the hive.)

6. le chenil

Meaning: a small, usually wooden, shelter for a dog to sleep in outside

English: kennel

Example: Elle garde son chien dans un chenil extérieur. (She keeps her dog in an outdoor kennel.)

7. la porcherie

Meaning: an enclosed area where pigs are kept

English: pigsty 

Example: Le fermier n’a pas nettoyé la porcherie depuis longtemps. (The farmer has not cleaned the pigsty for a long time.)

8. la fourmilière

Meaning: a pile of soil created by ants when they are making their nests underground

English: ant hill

Exemple: La fourmilière est si bien construite que même la plus grosse tempête ne la détruira pas.(The anthill is so well built that even the heaviest storm will not destroy it.)

9. le terrier

Meaning : a hole in the ground dug by an animal such as a rabbit, especially to live in.

English: burrow 

Example: Le chien avait chassé un lapin dans son terrier. (The dog had chased a rabbit into its burrow.)

10. l’étable 

Meaning:a building where cows are kept while they are milked

English: cowshed

Example: N’avez-vous pas allumé la lampe dans l’étable? (Have you not lit the lamp in the cowshed?)

11. la toile

Meaning : a net used to catch insects, made by a spider from the sticky thread that its body produces

English: web

Example: Elle a été étonnée de voir une araignée filer sa toile. (She was amazed to see a spider spin its web.)

12. le poulailler 

Meaning: a cage where small animals are kept, especially chickens

English: coop

Example: Les poulets ont tous fui leur poulailler. (The chickens have all fled from their coop.) 

13. le trou

Meaning: a place in the ground where a small animal lives

English: hole

Example: Un chat attendait à l’extérieur d’un trou de souris pour l’attraper. (A cat was waiting outside a mouse hole to catch it.) 

14. l’enclos à moutons

Meaning: a small area surrounded by a fence, especially one in which sheep are kept

English: sheep pen

Example: Un loup avait volé un mouton à travers un enclos à moutons. (His favourite subject was ICT.)

15. l’étang

Meaning: a small area of water that is smaller than a lake where some animals stay

English: pond

Example: Il y avait beaucoup de grenouilles dans l’étang. (There were many frogs in the pond.) 

I hope you enjoyed learning various animal homes names in French. Which one did you already know? Write the answer in French in comments. For more such vocabulary, keep reading our blog. You can easily learn French online with us. Stay tuned for more interesting blogs.