Vocabulaire lié aux professions

Tout le monde autour de nous a des professions différentes. Certains sont médecins, hommes d’affaires et même artistes. Cependant, toutes les langues ont leurs propres façons de nommer les professions. Venez voir comment nous appelons les diverses professions en anglais.

1. Architect [ ahr-ki-tekt ]

Meaning: a person who designs buildings and in many cases also supervises their construction

French – Architecte

Example: They hired an architect to design the tallest building in the world. (Ils ont engagé un architecte pour concevoir le plus haut bâtiment du monde.) 

2. Doctor [ dok-ter ]

Meaning: a person who is qualified to treat people who are ill.

French – médecin 

Example: Kids hate going to the doctor. (Les enfants détestent aller chez le médecin.)

3. Teacher [ tee-cher ]

Meaning: a person who teaches or instructs, especially as a profession; instructor.

French – instituteur – enseignant – professeur 

Example: When Sam’s favourite teacher retired, he cried a lot. (Lorsque le professeur préféré de Sam a pris sa retraite, il a beaucoup pleuré.)

4. Actor/Actress [ ak-ter ] [ ak-tris ]

Meaning: a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television.

French – acteur/actrice 

Example: His favourite actor changes every other day. (Son acteur préféré change tous les deux jours.)

5. Engineer [ en-juh-neer ]

Meaning: a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures.

French – ingénieur 

Example: Her brother is a solar engineer. (Son frère est ingénieur solaire.)

6. Designer [ dih-zahy-ner ]

Meaning: a person who plans the look or workings of something prior to it being made, by preparing drawings or plans.

French – designer

Example: She wanted to be a fashion designer since a very young age. (Elle voulait être créatrice de mode depuis son plus jeune âge.)

7. Journalist [ jur-nl-ist ]

Meaning – a person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast

French – journaliste

Example: Being a journalist is a difficult job. (Être journaliste est un travail difficile.)

8. Fireman [ fahyuh r-muh n ]

Meaning – a person employed to extinguish or prevent fires; firefighter.

French – pompier

Example: The fireman saved many lives at the school where fire broke out. (Le pompier a sauvé de nombreuses vies à l’école où un incendie s’est déclaré.)

9. Hairdresser [ hair-dres-er ]

Meaning – a person who cuts and styles hair as an occupation.

French – coiffeur

Example: She doesn’t get her hair done by anyone but her favorite hairdresser. (Elle ne se fait coiffer que par son coiffeur préféré.)

10. Lawyer [ law-yer ]

Meaning – a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for clients in other legal matters.

French – avocat

Example: They hired the best lawyer to fight for the justice of their daughter.  (Ils ont engagé le meilleur avocat pour qu’il lutte et obtienne justice pour leur fille.)

11. Nurse [ nurs ]

Meaning – a person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital

French – infirmier

Example: Michelle was the best nurse at the children’s hospital. (Michelle était la meilleure infirmière de l’hôpital pour enfants.)

12. Pilot [ pahy-luht ]

Meaning – a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft

French – pilote

Example: She made her parents proud by being the first female pilot in her country. (Elle a rendu ses parents fiers en étant la première femme pilote dans son pays.)

13. Scientist [ sahy-uh n-tist ]

Meaning – a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences

French – scientifique

Example: He wanted to be the youngest scientist to win a Noble prize. (Il voulait être le plus jeune scientifique à remporter un prix Nobel.)

14. Postman [ pohst-muh n ]

Meaning – a person who is employed to deliver or collect letters and parcels.

French – facteur

Example: She waited for the postman every month as he carried a letter from her son. (Elle attendait le facteur chaque mois parce qu’il lui apportait une lettre de son fils.)

15. Waiter/Waitress [ wey-ter ] [ wey-tris ]

Meaning – a person whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant.

French – serveur/serveuse

Example: The waiter was happy to receive a good tip for his service. (Le serveur était heureux de recevoir un bon pourboire pour son service.)

16. Accountant [ uh-koun-tnt ]

Meaning – a person whose job is to keep or inspect financial accounts.

French – comptable

Example: They were always late in submitting their bills to their accountant. (Ils étaient toujours en retard pour la soumission de leurs factures à leur comptable.)

17. Plumber [ pluhm-er ]

Meaning – a person who fits and repairs the pipes, fittings, and other apparatus of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems.

French – plombier

Example: By the time the plumber arrived, their bathroom was filled with water. (Au moment où le plombier est arrivé, leur salle de bain était remplie d’eau.)

18. Policeman [ puhlees-muh n ]

Meaning – a person of the civil force of a state, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order

French – policier

Example: It took great efforts for him to be a policeman. (Il lui a fallu de grands efforts pour devenir policier.)

19. Carpenter [ kahr-puh nter ]

Meaning – a person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures.

French – charpentier

Example: The carpenter made a chair just like my grandmother liked. (Le charpentier a fait une chaise comme ma grand-mère l’aimait)

20. Chef – [ shef ]

Meaning – a professional cook, typically the chief cook in a restaurant or hotel.

French – chef

Example: It was his dream to learn under the world’s best chef. (C’était son rêve d’apprendre sous la direction du meilleur chef du monde.)

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