Accessories can change the way we look. They form a part of our personality. In this article, you will learn about accessories in French. Make sure you use them in your conversations.
1. la broche
Meaning: a small piece of jewellery with a pin at the back that is fastened to a woman’s clothes
English: brooch
Example: Quelle broche allez-vous porter pour le mariage de votre meilleur ami? (What brooch are you going to wear for your best friend’s wedding?)
2. le peigne
Meaning: a flat piece of plastic, wood, or metal with a thin row of long, narrow parts along one side, used to tidy and arrange your hair
English: comb
Example: Puis-je emprunter votre peigne? (Can I borrow your comb?)
3. le bonnet
Meaning: a type of hat that covers the ears and is tied under the chin, worn by babies or, especially in the past, by women
English: bonnet
Example: Le nouveau-né portait un joli bonnet. (The newborn baby wore a cute bonnet.)
4. la boucle d’oreille
Meaning: a piece of jewellery, usually one of a pair, worn in a hole in the ear or fastened to the ear by a clip
English: earring
Example: Elle a de nombreuses paires de boucles d’oreilles. (She has many pairs of earrings.)
5. les lunettes
Meaning :two small pieces of specially made glass or transparent plastic worn in front of the eyes to improve sight and held in place with a frame that reaches back over the ears
English: glasses
Example: Il ne peut rien voir sans leurs lunettes. (He cannot see anything without their glasses.)
6. le sac à main
Meaning a small bag for money, keys, make-up, etc., carried especially by women
English: handbag
Example: Où est mon sac à main rouge? (Where is my red handbag?)
7. le mouchoir
Meaning:a square piece of cloth or paper used for cleaning the nose or drying the eyes when they are wet with tears
English: handkerchief
Example: J’ai oublié mon mouchoir dans sa voiture. (I forgot my handkerchief in her car.)
8. le collier
Meaning: a piece of jewellery worn around the neck, such as a chain or a string of decorative stones, beads, etc.
English: necklace
Example:J’adore ton collier. (I love your necklace.)
9. la bague
Meaning :a circular piece of jewellery worn especially on your finger
English: ring
Example: Elle m’a offert une bague en diamant. (She gifted me a diamond ring.)
10. la valise
Meaning: a large, rectangular container with a handle, for carrying clothes and possessions while travelling
English: suitcase
Example: Faites votre valise pour les vacances. (Pack your suitcase for the vacation.)
11. la montre
Meaning :a small clock that is worn on a strap around the wrist or, sometimes, connected to a piece of clothing by a chain
English: watch
Example: Portez votre montre à l’examen. (Wear your watch to the exam.)
12. le parapluie
Meaning: a device for protection against the rain, consisting of a stick with a folding frame covered in material at one end and usually a handle at the other, or a similar, often larger, device used for protection against the sun
English: umbrella
Example: Je ne pense pas qu’il pleuvra, je ne porte pas mon parapluie. (I don’t think it will rain, I’m not carrying my umbrella.)
13. le bracelet
Meaning: a piece of jewellery that is worn around the wrist or arm
English: bracelet
Example: Elle n’aime pas porter des bracelets. (She doesn’t like wearing bracelets.)
14. la ceinture
Meaning:a strip of leather or material worn around the waist to support clothes or for decoration
English: belt
Example: Mon pantalon est lâche, j’ai besoin d’une ceinture. (My pants are loose, I need a belt.)
15. le bouton de manchette
Meaning: a small decorative object used to fasten shirt cuffs
English: cufflink
Example: Elle a offert des boutons de manchette à son mari. (She gifted her husband cufflinks.)
I hope you enjoyed learning names of various accessories in French. The next time you want to talk about sports in French, be sure to use these words. For more such vocabulary, keep reading our blog. You can easily learn French online with us. Stay tuned for more interesting blogs.